Thursday, May 29, 2008

JENNY WHO????????????

Who is Jenny??? I keep hearing this girls name over and over at work lately.

How annoying is it for someone to just decide your name is Jenny?


Not to be a complainer as some of you sometimes think of me, let me explain...

We have a new girl at work, UGH!

New to work not to me. We have known each for almost 17 years off and on. She has decided to call me Jenny, no one calls me that except for Dave's family. Never do I allow anyone else to call me that and all my true friends know my name is Jennifer or Jenn NEVER Jenny. But alas, she insists and it has been driving me crazy and now my coworkers are catching on.

I remember now why we stopped talking.... not to complain or anything. :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Flowers Flowers Flowers

This Memorial weekend we stayed home and worked on our garden.

We spent the morning at Blocks Nursery and filled the jeep full of flowers.

Then took the challenge of weeding and planting the flowers.


Once the flowers start growing and filling in we will have a nice cottage garden.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day BBQ!

Well almost a BBQ.
Someone had made other plans and a cozy new home.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is Mom's birthday.

Aunt Patty was sick and couldn't come so she sent this nice flower arrangement.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Eastern Market Flower Sale Downtown Detroit

Today we drove Aida to her bus at the greyhound station downtown. She is on her wayo to Kentucky and then Home to Puerto Rico for a few weeks. I know she is sad to leave her new condo here in Michigan but excited to see Ed's baby Ditto and go home to check on her chickens in P.R.
After dropping her at the station we were ready to hit the flower sales! I can't remember ever being at Eastern market but I most likely have. I know I haven't been to Flower Day weekend!

What a Mad House! People were everywhere and we arrived early. I think we actually got a preety close parking spot about 2 blocks away, although after the third tirp to the car with heavy baskets of flowers it didn't seem so close at all. I thought maybe we should have brought a wagon but honestly thought well we won't be buying tooo many things... Wrong!

Even thought it was cold and rainy and the food was very expensive we had a great time and I would definetly go again next year, with a wagon of course.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Total 13 going on 30 Moment!

Could it be true that I am holding 2 count then 2 tickets to Duran Duran???!!!


Check out the Cool Jeans!

We took pictures with the cell phone. Turned out pretty good.

Here's Simon on stage we had a better view than the camera did! :)

Girls on Film... Almost like your at the concert!

Press the arrow to watch the video

It was so exciting to go see my oldest and all time favorite band Duran Duran!

All day at work I was so nervous that something would go wrong and I wouldn't get to go. Most of the time when I get excited to do things something or someone always messes it up! But not this time, except maybe for the last few guys at work who may have gotten a "Not so Good" Haircut because I just couldn't wait any longer to get home and leave for the concert.
When we finally got really to go and left for the concert I had so many flash backs of my friends and I singing and dancing to Duran Duran. Remembering how we said can't wait till we're all grown up and can go to concerts all by ourselves. Picturing my room with the cool bunk beds we had and half the room seperated into a "private" study area because my brother would always bug me when Iwas "trying" to do my homework and stuff.

Anyay, the concert was so great! We had such a good time dancing and singing the old songs and some of the new ones, but everyone really came for the OLD SONGS! They sang Hungry like the Wolf, Reflex, Girls on film (see video), Planet Earth and the encore song was RIO!!!!! WOO-Hoo so much fun.

The best part of the whole night was hanging out at the stage door waiting for them to come out to the buses. I am not sure if they ever did because it got really cold and we left early to go to the casino.I met some very nice people waiting outside.

People who were like me .. CRAZY lol.

Really people who just wanted to have the chance to act like you were 13 for a minute and not remember that your 35 and have responsiblities and that maybe just maybe...

Simon Lebon would come and steal you away from this life...... ;)

I am dreaming of course but thats what being 13 is all about!