Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Fourth Of July!!!

We had a smoking good time this year!

For the fourth of July I had the whole weekend off! woo-hoo!
We had lots of fun at bbq parties and shooting off fireworks at our house.

Dave's Aunt Naomi had a BBQ at Paton Park in Southwest Detroit for the family. It was a beautiful day and fun to spend time outside with the family.

David and Angel cooked us some meat:

We were stuffed:
The Fejioo Family had a great day, ate lots of food, and enjoyed the parade, then off to the next party!
We went to the fireworks on sunday to end off the festival.

For the long weekend we also went to the Farmers Market in Depot Town ,Ypsilanti. They were having a Camero Fest car show, but we skipped it to check out the fish in Frog Island park. :) We also went to a few antique stores, the flea market and dinner and a movie with some friends!

All in all a Great Long Weekend!

Hope you had a great Fourth of July as well!


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a grrrreat time! Yay! The 4th of July was absolutely beautiful! :)